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Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events in our Practice.

Weight Loss Drug Ocular Side Effect

Weight Loss Drug Ocular Side Effect Ozempic and Wegovy are semaglutide (GLP-1 inhibitor) injection drugs used for weight loss. I recently read a case report where a 49- year- old male suffered sudden blindness in one eye 9 days after starting Ozempic. The cause was nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy...


I read an interesting article recently that discussed a retrospective study between birth weight and vertical cup-to-disc ratio as an adult, average age 30. The study was done at a hospital in Germany with mostly white participants, so it may not be applicable to non-whites. For babies that were born...


Amniotic membranes were first used in 1910 by dermatologists as a skin graft substitute material. In the 1940s they were used as a conjunctival tissue substitute. They are harvested from the innermost layer of the placenta when a woman has a C-section. They offer unique biological properties in healing and...


Women have glaucoma more than men. It has been hypothesized that estrogen exposure may provide a protective effect to the optic nerve while decreased estrogen levels increase the optic nerve's vulnerability to glaucoma.A recent study was performed on three different age groups regarding menopause. The first age group were females...

Dilation Reversal Drop Called Ryzumvi

After fifteen years, the FDA recently approved a new dilation reversal drop called Ryzumvi.  It is kept refrigerated and is preservative-free. It brings your vision back to normal in one to two hours instead of four to six hours and is available for purchase here at Family Eyecare Center Doctor...

Star-Forming Gases in the Clamshell Nebula

We have a new photo taken of star-forming gases in the Clamshell Nebula by one of our patients in the reception room. It won first place in a chromatic photography contest. If you want to see more photos like this one, go to Thank you for your continued support. Click...

Acuvue Contact Lenses

In case you do not know it, we are an Acuvue preferred practice. Only about one in ten North County accounts have this distinction. Some of the benefits to our patients include: An additional $50 rebate when purchasing an annual supply of one of our daily disposable contact lenses. Express...

Light Sensitivity

Acquired brain injuries often cause light sensitivity also known as photophobia. There was a study done in 2017 that showed that 76% of the time the light sensitivity could be alleviated with a tint on prescription lenses. The most common tint used was a FL–41 tint. They come in a...

Retinal Vessel Tortuosity

Last Friday I saw a new patient whose dilated fundus exam showed tortuous blood vessels. I told her this could be associated with high blood pressure, but she said her blood pressure was normal. And then a couple days later, I read an article regarding retinal vessel tortuosity, and it...

What Can I Do To Decrease My Chances Of Getting Glaucoma

This is a question I often get from patients when we review their findings on their glaucoma follow-up. I decided to put together a few of the answers below: When we sleep our eye pressure increases by 5-6 mm Hg. Sleeping on your back has shown to produce lower eye...

Eye Check-ups

As I look back upon many of the eye diseases I have seen, I think of those that I have not seen. For example, there are many people that have never had an eye exam. When they turn 40 they start wearing over-the-counter reading glasses and they never come for...


Of the red eyes I see, epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) eyes are usually the most red. See Figure 1. There is often a history of a recent upper respiratory infection or contact with someone else who has it. Symptoms include redness, itching, eye and eyelid swelling, tearing, and tenderness in front...

Office Photos

We recently completed our eye gallery in the hallway. We have 36 pictures of interesting eyes. Please come in and take a look. They help Dr. Riggs educate patients about various diseases. Thank you for your continued support....

Corneal Abrasion

Dear patient: A few years ago, I had a call from a patient in the early morning asking if I could see her. She had accidentally touched her eye with a dry eye bottle and had 10 out of 10 pain. When she arrived at the office I examined her...


Dear patient:I recently saw a long time patient with giant papillary conjunctivitis also known as GPC. The inside of her eye looked very similar to the attached photo. This is an allergic reaction to the protein buildup on the contact lens. It causes itching, discharge, discomfort and excessive lens movement...

Myopia Treatment

Please take 3 minutes to view the below story regarding MiSight contact lenses. There is a myopia epidemic. 22% of the world was nearsighted (myopic) in 2000. In 2050 52% will be myopic. To combat this epidemic, research has come up with ways to slow the progression of myopia. With this in mind, I started fitting CRT contact lenses (orthokeratology) , MiSight bifocal contact lenses, and prescribe 0.05% atropine drops.

Three New Interesting Articles

Below are three articles I wanted to share. The first one is about new research that links RNFL thickness with cognitive decline. We can measure the RNFL thickness with our OCTA as part of your annual exam. Individuals with a 230 micron or less thickness were more likely to develop...

Signing Into Our Online Store

Recently we had a patient call saying he had difficulty signing into our online store. Here are instructions. Hope this helps. SIGN IN page- This goes to the SIGN IN page for the practice's store. USERNAME-The temporary Username from the Welcome E-Mail automatically populates the field. PASSWORD-Copy and past the...

Best wishes for a happy 2023 to everyone!

On Christmas eve I received a post card from a family that we treat here and on the back they wrote the below note: It's very heartwarming to see that something we did had such a positive outcome. I called her and she said that it was a delicate procedure...

West Coast Optometric Glaucoma Symposium

In this issue: I just got back from the West Coast Optometric Glaucoma Symposium. Some new things I wanted to review: Myopia is a independent risk factor for glaucoma especially patients with greater than 6 diopters of myopia. 70 % of newly diagnosed open angle glaucoma have a first degree...

Interesting Facts I Learned While on Vacation

As some of you may know I just returned from a 3 week vacation. While there I read several journals and I thought I would share what I learned. Greater physical activity is associated with slower visual field loss in glaucoma. So, if you have glaucoma or are a glaucoma...

Did You Know?

A recent study showed that adding a fish oil supplement or eating more fish decreased the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy. For glaucoma, ginkgo biloba is one of the most promising supplements for glaucoma treatment. It is known to have antioxidant properties, helps increase blood flow, stabilize mitochondria, and protects neurons...

We have added two new instruments!

We have added two new instruments: Icare 2, a hand held tonometer that the staff use as part of their pretesting. We also have an Eidon ultra wide field retinal camera from CenterVue. We are the first North County office to have the Eidon UWF camera. It takes photos with...

What To Do if a Mosquito Bites Your Eyelid

Mosquito bites are annoying but on the eyelid they can be particularly uncomfortable and even impact your vision. Find out what you can do to treat the bite at home, and when it's a good idea to contact your optometrist.

How Much Time Should My Child Spend Outdoors?

Playing outdoors offers numerous benefits, including delaying the onset of myopia. Read on to learn why that is, and learn why slowing myopia progression is vital for your child’s eye health.

What’s a Chalazion?

Do you have a lump on your eyelid? It could be a chalazion. Learn what a chalazion is, how to treat it and prevent it from recurring.

Sugar, Diabetes & Glaucoma – What’s the Connection?

Diabetes increases a person’s risk of developing a variety of serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma. Learn more about the link between diabetes and glaucoma and discover what you can do to preserve your vision.

Can People With Dry Eye Syndrome Wear Eye Makeup?

Do people with dry eye syndrome have to forgo wearing eyeliner and other eye makeup? Although eyeliner can lead to meibomian gland dysfunction, there are steps you can take to safely wear eye makeup without compromising your eye health.

Why Myopia Is Much More Than An Inconvenience

Is your child nearsighted (myopic)? Here’s what you need to know about myopia and how it can lead to sight-threatening eye disease in the future.

6 Ways To Maintain Eye Health If You’re Over 50

Aging and certain lifestyle choices can affect your vision, especially if you’re in your 50’s and up. While it’s normal for your eyes and vision to change, there are certain actions you can take to protect your sight.  6 Tips for 50+ Eye Health Eat Well A well-balanced diet helps...

Back-To-School: Why Eye Exams Are More Important Than Ever

Although COVID is still present in our lives, we are slowly returning to a semi-normal life. With so many disruptions this past year, the one thing that should be consistent is your child's back-to-school eye evaluations.

Is It Really That Bad to Sleep or Shower In Contact Lenses?

Is it safe to wear contact lenses while showering or sleeping? No. It’s absolutely not safe to wear contacts while immersed in water or when sleeping (unless you have contacts specifically intended for overnight wear).  Sleeping in your contact lenses can dry out your eyes and potentially harm your vision...

How Eye Disease And Cataracts Affected The Work Of Famous Artists

Eye conditions like cataracts and retinal disease affect the way we see the world, and may have influenced the famous works of several well-known artists.

What Eye Drops Are Best For My Eyes?

Are you suffering from red, irritated and scratchy eyes? Do you feel like you have something stuck in your eyes? These are hallmark symptoms of dry eye syndrome, a condition that occurs when your eyes are not properly lubricated due to insufficient tear production, blocked glands, or unbalanced tear composition....

Why Does Outdoor Time Delay Or Prevent Myopia?

Here’s another reason for parents to send their kids out to play. Research shows that spending 2 hours or more outdoors lowers the risk of developing myopia and slows its progression.

Can Drinking Coffee Relieve Dry Eyes?

Although caffeine has a diuretic and drying effect, it also has tear-producing properties that can potentially lessen your dry eye symptoms.

Why is My Dry Eye More Severe in the Mornings?

If you wake up in the morning with itchy, burning eyes, you may have dry eye syndrome. Wonder how this happens when your eyes are closed all night? Read on to find out!

Why Computer Use Can Cause Dry Eye & Eye Strain

Using your computer for long periods of time can irritate and dry your eyes. The condition is so common that researchers have coined it computer vision syndrome. Learn more about the causes and treatments of this condition.

Is the Myopia Epidemic Caused by Screen Time?

Myopia is, unfortunately, becoming the new norm. Is that because more children are spending more time looking at computers? Learn more about myopia and ways to manage it.

12 Tips for Optimal Eye Health

Good Eye Care Habits & Hygiene By practicing good eye care habits and hygiene, you can prevent many vision problems from occurring. Eye problems and the risks associated with vision loss only grow as you age. By neglecting eye care, you place yourself at a higher risk of suffering from...

Wearing Colored Contact Lenses This Halloween? Beware and Take Care!

Countless adults, teens and even children will be wearing colored contact lenses this Halloween, but few are aware of the risks involved. Ever wondered what those cat-eye contacts are doing to your eyes? If you got them without a prescription, beware of health complications. Enjoy a safe and happy Halloween...

Summer Heat Wave and Your Eyes

This summer, heat waves with scorching temperatures have hit communities nationwide, making an already hot summer even hotter. With high temps and heat waves in certain areas, it’s now more important than ever to protect yourself. For best practices and tips for maintaining healthy vision in the summer heat, talk...

UV Safety Awareness Month

July is UV Safety Awareness Month, and no wonder! With the summer sun out in full force, it’s now more important than ever to protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. During this month, people who have suffered from UV ray damage and their loved ones are encouraged to share...

Top 4 Eyecare Tips for Summer Vacation

This summer, whether you're headed across state lines on a family road trip, flying off to Europe, grabbing a quick weekend getaway, or taking a vacation in your own backyard, don't forget to protect your eyes! Summer Eye Care Near You Check out our top 4 tips for ensuring healthy...

Cataract Awareness Month

June is Cataract Awareness Month. During this important time, people living with cataracts (and their loved ones) are encouraged to talk about their personal experiences by giving each other helpful information and sharing their knowledge and advice. Use the hashtag #CataractAwarenessMonth on your social media channels to encourage and support...

Help! My Child Doesn’t Want to Wear Glasses!

Do your kids need glasses in order to see clearly? Maybe they have a strong case of nearsightedness, perhaps they have astigmatism, or another type of refractive error. Whatever the cause, getting your kids to wear eyeglasses can be a parenting challenge. Dr. John Riggs treats patients from all over Carlsbad, California...

Is My Child Too Young for Vision Therapy?

Those with excellent visual acuity may experience difficulty with visual processing or focus, which can impact various aspects of a child’s development, learning ability, and daily functioning. Fortunately, visual skills can be trained through vision therapy. Question is: how young is too young for your child to begin vision therapy?

Mental Health and Your Vision

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the USA; in Canada, Mental Health week is May 6th to 12th. Since 1949, it has been observed throughout the United States as a way of drawing attention to the importance of proper mental health. This year’s theme is #4Mind4Body. The idea is...

Parkinson’s Awareness Month and Your Vision

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month in the USA and Canada, a time when those living with the disorder, their family members, friends, and community come together to raise awareness and share helpful information. People with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and their loved ones are encouraged to share their stories, struggles, and...

Top 5 Tips for Managing Eye Allergies This Spring

Spring is a season of new beginnings, when the cold harsh winter months are behind us, flowers bloom, and people begin spending more time outdoors. For people with allergies, spring means one more thing: suffering. Spring may be in the air, but for allergy sufferers, so is pollen, pet dander,...

Women’s Health and Your Vision

March 8th is International Women's Day, a day when women are honored and their accomplishments celebrated worldwide. From medicine to law, entrepreneurship to corporate leadership, education to the military, women are achieving great strides in areas of business like never before. In addition to professional achievements, International Women's Day is...

What’s in Your Household Cleaning Supplies?

Most of us have the basics: bleach, oven cleaner, air freshener, furniture polish, and window spray. Did you know that chemicals found in these kinds of cleaning products can be toxic and harmful to your health? In small amounts, they generally don’t cause much damage. But when used on a...

School and Vision: 2 Important Partners

It’s February and that means we’re smack in the middle of winter, which is also the middle of the school year. It’s the season when kids fervently hope for snow days and parents hope they don’t happen. As we head towards the second half of the school year, you’ve probably...

What You Need to Know About Glaucoma – The Sneak Thief of Sight

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma, a silent eye disease, is the most common form of irreversible blindness in the world. It is actually a group of diseases that causes progressive damage to the optic nerve.  Glaucoma is a progressive eye disease that can lead to...

World Braille Day 2019

Each year during the month of January we recognize World Braille Day which gives us the opportunity to take a moment and appreciate the incredible gift that Braille has given to those who are blind or suffer from vision loss.  What is Braille? Braille is a tactile representation of letters...

Are Nerf Guns a Dangerous Holiday Present?

Nerf Guns: Popular, Projectile... Safe? With the newest Nerf guns and blasters reigning at the top of lists for the most popular toys this holiday season, many parents are excited to surprise their kids (or their spouses) with these coveted toy weapons. There is, in fact a whole culture behind these...

8 Tips to Relieve Winter Dry Eyes

Whether you live in a climate with cold winter weather or you are planning a ski trip up north, winter can be a challenge if you suffer from dry eyes. Dry, cool air, cold winds and even drier indoor heating can cause eye irritation, burning, itchiness and redness, and sometimes...

Diabetes and Your Eyes

Diabetes is becoming much more prevalent around the globe. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 425 million adults were living with diabetes in the year 2017 and 352 million more people were at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. By 2045 the number of people diagnosed is expected to...

Have an Eye Safe Halloween

Brush Up Before You Dress Up Halloween is one of the most fun times of the year for children and adults alike. When else do you get to dress up as anyone (or anything) you want, socialize with friends and eat lots of treats? Nevertheless, lurking behind those costumes and...

Exercise and Your Eye Health

Regular exercise is an essential component of overall health and wellness. It is proven that exercise reduces sickness and disease; it increases strength, immunity, and mental health; and it also helps regulate bodily functions and maintain a healthy weight. Research shows that exercise can lower our risk of chronic conditions...

Is Too Much Screen Time Dangerous For Your Kids?

Screen Time Pros and Cons Whether it is homework, email, gaming, chatting with friends, searching the web or watching Youtube, kids these days seem to have an endless number of reasons to be glued to a screen. Many parents out there are wondering how bad this can be for their...

Healthy Aging for the Eyes

Getting old doesn’t have to be synonymous with vision loss. There is a lot you can do to keep your eyes and vision healthy and prevent age related eye disease and vision loss, especially if you start early. Keeping your eyes healthy and strong may require some lifestyle changes, but...

Progressive Myopia: When Your Child’s Vision Keeps Getting Worse

What Is Progressive Myopia? Nearsightedness or myopia is one of the most prevalent eye disorders worldwide and its incidence is increasing. In fact by 2050, myopia is projected to affect half of the world’s population! Many children diagnosed with nearsightedness (myopia) experience a consistent worsening of their vision as they...

The Dangers of An Online Eye Test

An online eye test may seem like a convenient way to check your vision or get an eyeglass prescription but beware, these tests aren’t all they are chocked up to be. In fact, they may even be dangerous.  What is an online eye test really testing?  An online eye test...

Signs That Your Child Has a Vision Problem

Healthy eyes and good vision are essential for your child’s growth and development. In fact, learning is 80% visual, which means a child’s success in school, athletics and many other aspects of life can be impacted by poor vision. Good vision goes beyond how far you can see, and also...

Eye Dangers in the Dorm – Eye Health for College Students

It’s almost back to school time for college students and whether this is your first time away from home or you are already a pro, you want to be prepared with as much knowledge as possible to live safely on your own. This knowledge includes eye and vision safety, as...

Why You Shouldn’t Rub Your Eyes

While it may seem like a harmless action, rubbing your eyes can actually cause a lot of damage. There are a number of different reasons that people rub their eyes and for the most part, it does more harm than good. While rubbing your eyes might feel really good in...

Ocular Migraines

Migraine Awareness Month: An ocular migraine is any migraine headache that involves a visual disturbance such as flashes of light, seeing stars or zigzags or the appearance of blind spots in the visual field. Ocular migraines can interfere with your ability to go about your daily tasks such as driving,...

How-to Guide for Buying Sunglasses

Sure, sunglasses might add the final touches to your chic ensemble, but the real reason to purchase your shades is to protect your eyes from the sun. Not only does glare from the sun make it difficult to see, but the UV rays it reflects can cause permanent damage to...

Sports Vision Deconstructed

Vision is a critical component to succeed as an athlete and this doesn’t just mean having 20/20 vision. There are a number of visual processes that are involved in optimal sports performance, whether you are playing a weekly little league game or competing in professional sports.   The eyes and the...

7 Eye Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

While we all know that regular eye exams can help detect warning signs of disease and prevent vision loss, many people fail to seek medical attention when there is an acute problem with the eye. In fact, only about half of Americans that are at risk for serious vision loss...

Women’s Eye Health – 7 Tips for Optimal Vision for Life

April is Women’s Eye Health Month in the USA and May is Healthy Vision month in Canada too, so let’s take the opportunity to look at some tips for maintaining eye and vision health, with a special focus on women.  Statistically, women are more at risk than men for eye...

Ultraviolet Light and your Eyes

If you want strong, healthy eyes and clear vision for life, a major step you can take is to protect your eyes from UV radiation.  Wearing proper eye protection from the sun reduces the risk of a number of eye diseases and other conditions that are caused or worsened by...

Should I Be Concerned When My Eyelid Twitches?

We all experience the occasional eyelid twitch, which is when the muscle of the eyelid spasms involuntarily. Usually, it comes and goes without intervention and while sure, it can be irritating, is a twitching eyelid ever something to be concerned about? An eyelid twitch, also known as a myokymia, can...

Signs of Eye and Vision Problems in Infants

Infant Eyesight Despite nine months of growth in utero, babies are not born with fully developed eyes and vision - just like they can't walk or talk yet. Over the first few months of life, their visual systems continue to progress, stimulated by their surroundings. Babies will develop the ability...

AMD Awareness Could Save Your Vision

It’s that time of the year again. Each February, the optometric community bands together to create awareness about age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for people 50 years and older; early detection plays a key role in the outcome of the disease. That’s why...

Trouble Seeing at Night? All About Night Blindness

At this time of year when the sun sets early, many people are affected by night blindness. Night blindness or nyctalopia refers to difficulty seeing at night or in poor or dim lighting situations. It can be caused by a number of underlying conditions, sometimes completely benign and sometimes as a...

The Sneak Thief of Sight

It’s that time of year again. January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a time set aside each year to create awareness about this potentially devastating disease. The reason awareness about glaucoma is so important is because as its nickname, The Sneak Thief of Sight, describes, the disease often causes permanent...

Don’t Let Snow Blindness Ruin Your Winter Vacation

While most people have sunglasses high on their packing list for a tropical vacation, many people don’t consider it as much of a priority for colder climate getaways. But they should, and here’s why: Wintertime vacations often include activities that involve snow and ice and in general, conditions that can...

6 Crazy Holiday Eye Injuries to Avoid

As the season to deck the halls arrives, make sure that you aren’t one of the many people who find themselves celebrating in the urgent care clinic due to an eye injury. The holidays present many opportunities for potential eye injury so it’s important to be aware and proceed with...

10 Eye Healthy Foods to Eat This Year

The New Year is coming and many people include healthier eating and exercise in their resolutions for the year ahead. Well other than weight loss and overall health and disease-prevention, a healthy diet and regular exercise can protect your eyes and your vision. In particular, there are certain vitamins and...

Women and Diabetes – World Diabetes Day

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. This year, the theme of World Diabetes Day is women and diabetes - our right to a healthy future. The goal of this campaign is to promote awareness of the importance of equal and affordable access for all women, whether they are at risk...

What You Need to Know to Help World Blindness

October is World Blindness Awareness Month, an initiative started to help the public to understand the realities of visual impairment and how it affects the world population. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of millions of individuals around the world who are unnecessarily blind or visually impaired due to causes that are...

Halloween Eye Safety

October has arrived and that means many people are already starting to plan for upcoming costume parties and trick-or-treating for the Halloween season. This is why now is the time to remind the public about some very important precautions about eye safety since there are some common costume props and...

Trouble Seeing the Fine Print? Here are Your Options…

Every good pair of eyes eventually gets old and with age comes a condition called presbyopia. Presbyopia, which usually begins to set in some time around 40, occurs when the lens of the eye begins to stiffen, making near vision (such as reading books, menus, and computer screens) blurry. You...

Aging Eyes and Driving Safety 

Even if you don’t have any eye or vision problems, the natural process of aging affects your ability to see and react to visual stimuli. It’s important to know the impact the aging can have on your eyes and vision so you can take the necessary precautions to stay safe...

Is Your Teen Ready for Contacts?

Many teens who wear glasses are eager to try out contact lenses for convenience, fashion or to just provide another option for vision correction.

Inside a Life With Color Vision Deficiency

What’s it like to be color blind? Contrary to what the name implies, color blindness usually does not actually mean that you don’t see any color, but rather that you have difficulty perceiving or distinguishing between certain colors. This is why many prefer the term color vision deficiency or CVD...

How to Safely View the Great American Eclipse of 2017

On August 21st, for the first time since 1979, a solar eclipse will be visible across North America. What's even more historic is that it will also be the first time an eclipse will be visible across the continent, from coast to coast, since 1918. If you want to bear...

Are Your Eyes Sensitive to Light?

Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a condition in which bright light - either natural sunlight or artificial light -  can cause significant discomfort, pain and intolerance. People that experience light sensitivity will find themselves needing to close their eyes or squint when exposed to light and often experience...

Got a Shiner!

What Exactly Is a Black Eye? A black eye, also known as a periorbital hematoma, is usually not an injury of the actual eye (which is why it is called “periorbital”- around the eye). It typically occurs when there is an injury to the face or the eye socket which...

Cataract Awareness and Prevention

According to the World Health Organization, cataracts are responsible for 51% of cases of blindness worldwide - although this blindness is preventable with treatment. In fact, research shows that in industrialized countries about 50% of individuals over the age of 70 have had a cataract in at least one eye....

Are You Ignoring Your Dry Eyes?

You Don’t Have to Live With Dry Eyes Have you noticed that your eyes feel chronically dry, itchy, scratchy or even sometimes watery? Many people that have these symptoms just go on with their lives until the symptoms become unbearable. What they don’t realize is that these are signs that...

Does Smoking Affect Vision?

Eye Doctors Weigh In: How Smoking Can Harm Your Vision & Eye Health We all know that smoking is bad for you, especially the risks that it poses to your heart and lungs. What many people do not know is that cigarette smoke negatively affects your eyes and vision too. Smoking...

Sjogren’s Awareness – Understanding The Invisible Disease 

In an effort to spread the word to increase awareness about Sjogren’s Disease, eye care providers are speaking out about this hard-to-diagnose condition. Sjogren’s is a systemic autoimmune disorder that can affect the whole body. One of the primary symptoms is excessive dryness particularly in the eyes and mouth. Other...

April is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month

Hey women! Did you know that women are more likely to suffer from vision problems and are at higher risk of permanent vision loss than men? Well 91% of the women surveyed recently didn’t know that, which means that many of them aren’t taking the necessary precautions to prevent eye...

Eye Health For Women

Hey women! Did you know that women are more likely to suffer from vision problems and are at higher risk of permanent vision loss than men? Well 91% of the women surveyed recently didn’t know that, which means that many of them aren’t taking the necessary precautions to prevent eye...

The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Clean Your Glasses

There is nothing worse than a dirty spot on your glasses - well except perhaps many dirty spots or smudges. When that happens, most of us are tempted to grab the corner of our shirt and wipe it off, but resist the temptation - this is actually not a good...

It’s Time to Talk About Blue Light

Blue light. Do you know what it is? Do you know where it comes from, or how it can be harmful to your eyes? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you are not alone, yet it is important that you become aware to protect your eyes for...

Understanding Eye Color

Eye color is a hereditary trait that depends on the genes of both parents, as well as a little bit of mystery. The color of the eye is based on the pigments in the iris, which is a colored ring of muscle located at the center of the eye (around...

6 Ways to Prevent Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration is a serious condition that can threaten your vision and general well-being. Characterized by the deterioration of the central area of the retina called the macula which is responsible for focused vision, the disease gradually reduces your central vision. This affects the ability to see fine details,...

Are You Missing Your Child’s Hidden Vision Problem?

Your toddler may show every sign of good eyesight including the ability to see objects in the distance, however that doesn't necessarily mean that he or she doesn’t have a vision problem.

“The Sneak Thief of Sight” Is On Our Minds This January

Make your resolution for healthy vision this year with increased awareness of the leading cause of blindness worldwide.