Amniotic membranes were first used in 1910 by dermatologists as a skin graft substitute material. In the 1940s they were used as a conjunctival tissue substitute. They are harvested from the innermost layer of the placenta when a woman has a C-section. They offer unique biological properties in healing and improving pain. They started becoming popular in eyecare about 10 years ago, typically for severe problems because of their increased cost, which insurance companies want to know if something less costly will work.I recently saw a 38- year- old female who presented with 10/10 pain in her left eye from trauma. She had a history of recurrent corneal erosion. When I saw her the abrasion was directly over the pupil impairing her vision. Because I was concerned about a permanent corneal scar forming, I placed an amniotic membrane contact lens on her eye. She returned three days later without pain and the cornea had re- epithelialized with mild discharge. One week later she was pain free and no discharge.
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